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stop whaling~ somewhere over the rainbow SENTOSA~ We tried to make an MV today, but failedddddd. :/ ... colours SUPERPOWERS! The cow jumped over the moon ! some random photos from the past i didn't upload. complicated family tree Wednesday:Mood= mostly angry. in the morning and r... Credits /
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//Monday, July 31, 2006 8:56 PM
Im bored. so I got a sort of quiz or test from kelli marmie bloggie. hope she don't mind. =x
anyways, here I go... : FILL IN THE BLANKS! 1. Never in my life i: died..? correct wad. I nvr die so Im here. 2. The last person i kissed was: er. you might think Im les but Im not! I think it was.. bessy..? 3. The person who can drive me nuts, but then can always manage to make me smile is: giddy didi. nnd Yi An jies. 4. The high school I go to is: Not yet larr. Im only 12.. 5. When i'm nervous i: erm... I will like fa dou. 6. The last time I cried was: today..? can't remeber larr. 7. My hair: is dark brown or maybe black..? 8. When I was 5, I: I...I... I noe. When I was five, I was five. =.= can't remember wad I did. gort bad memory. 9. My Christmas last year: I...? I stood at home staring at celing..? 10. When I turn my head right, I see: I see the television. 11. I should be: doing my maths ws that is rite nxt to me instead of blogging. kekex. XD 12. When I Look Down I See: My shorts nd legs nd the floor..? 13. The craziest recent event was: was ii dunnoe. 14. By this time next year: I will be.... HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW!? I can't predict the future... or maybe I can..? 15. I love: Him nd THE ZOO! nd me. 16. I have a hard time understanding: what he's thinking..? 17. I feel like: doing nth..? 18. You know what I like, if you: know me. 19. Take my advice: Love's not worth going through. bud why am I..? 20. My ideal breakfast is: eating nth. 21. If you date me out: buy me flowers ! XD jkjk. er... who will..? 22. Soon I plan to: sleeeeeeppppp... *yawn yawn* 23. If you spend the night at my house: you won't anyway. 24. The world could do without: hates nd war..? 25. The most recent thing I bought myself is: a pen... i think. 26. My favorite brunette(s) is(are): No one. 27. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds? the zoo..? Imagine that... haiyos.. chouldn't be ba. 28. Last night I: was sleeping soundly. 29. My birthday is on: ` o9o6 30. Tomorrow I am: going to school lyk any other tuesday. MOM'S AND DAD'S TRUST [ ] There's a password for your answering machine.. and you don't know it [x] They will not leave you at home alone for a few days [] They will not leave you home alone for a few hours [] They search your room [] They read your blogs, comments, friend's comments, friend's blogs [ ] They have password protected accounts that have all the games/files in them [x] They blame all computer errors on you... you must have been on a bad program, or downloading something [] They TRY to choose your friends for you, and TRY to restrict certain others [ ] They try to choose your relationships [] They tell you to your face they don't trust you [x] If anything disappears then There Is No Other Explanation, It Must Have Been You. [] and then you are grounded until you somehow turn up "what you stole" [] You are banned from certain places, such as clubs or coffee houses [ ] You get drug tested without a reason to be [ ] You have a GPS tracker in your car or (cell phone) for them to use [ ] Your music is restricted [ ] They take away your computer/tv/cell/ipod/whatever electronic when they aren't even sure you are guilty. [] To them, if there is any doubt that you might have done something wrong.. you've done something wrong [ ] They have a key to your car and they misplace it, but when you find it they think you stole it. [ ] They call the cops on your friends [ ] They always think they smell cigarettes or pot when you've been home alone, even if it really was incense. [] If you've EVER made ANY mistakes in the past... they ALWAYS think you will do it again [x] They read any saved chats or ims, and any other files you've saved on your computer. [] They don't trust anyone to drive you places that they don't know number of x: 4 4 x 4 = 16% 16% not trusted by parents! DUMB QUIZ o1. Yourself: maggie o2. Your Lover: Justin o3. Your Hair: dark brown/ black o4. Your Mother: Dora o5. Your Father: Soon Tuan o6. Your Favorite Item: my HP o7. Your Dream Last Night: err... I forgot. o8. Your Favorite Drink: PEARL MILK TEA!! XD o9. Your Dream Home: house by the beach.. 1o. The Room You Are In: Living room. 11. Your Pet(s): turtles. 12. Who You Are with Now: Dad. 13. Who You Want to be in Ten Years: a singer/ actress 14. What You're Not happy with: Mdm chan sticking her bloody ass into all my PERSONAL things ! 15. Your Best Friend: THE ZOO! <33 16. One of Your Wish list Items: new school baggie~ 17. Your Gender: female. DUH~ 18. The Last Thing You Did: Eat my dinner 19. What You Are Wearing: PJs 20. Your Favorite Season: Winter 21. Your Favorite Book: My story 22. The Last Thing You Ate: rice..? 23. Your Life: its perfect...? at tyms. RELATION 1) Single, Taken, or Crushin? Taken 2) Are you happy with who you are? happy (: 3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? I dunnoe.. ? 4) Have you ever had your heart broken? yea. 5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable? Yea. 6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? yes. If I really like that someone. 7) Have you talked about marriage with another? No. =.= 8) Do you want children? HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO NOE!? IM ONLY 12. I THINK... nud nt tt far. 9) How many? ... DON"T MAKE ME REPEAT!!!! 10) Would you consider adoption? ............................. dont... 11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be? The person would give me a white rose with a cute little teddy.XD ohhs. p.s send a note with it. 12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get? Not really. 13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating? huh..? 14) Do you believe in love at first sight? yea 15) Are you romantic? I dunnoe. 16) Do you believe that you can change someone? nahs. 17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be? On a island at the Beach. 18) Do you easily give in when you are fighting? depends. 19) Do you have feelings for someone right now? yea. 20) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed it up? I did. 21) Have you ever broken a heart? I think so... 22) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other? Depends on who izit.
// 8:35 PM
ARGHHH!!! wahhs.. having headache for almost whole day le. :C today nth much happen. Just the same old same old. haiish... ohhs. Wednesday going with rachx nuerr to watch Lake House at jp. Finally gort someone pei me go watch le. (: nd then Saturday got prelim oral. I very hai pa. =x I hope I get good marks. *cross fingers* wish me luck. anyways. got to go eat my dinner le. tatas~ story told by; {babyKOALAA}
//Sunday, July 30, 2006 6:19 PM
undone hw.
sian. still haven't finish my hw .
still got: `o1. compo. `o2. maths problems. 8 more ques to go. Today HH daddie hand injured. :C I told marmie le . me : marmie..? marmie :darling? marmie : DARLING marmie : LOL me : dadie hand injured! me : ): marmie : !!! marmie : WHAT HAPPEN?! me : he yesterdae go play football. then he be goalie ma. then a guy kick e ball me : hit his hand marmie : lol marmie : XD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [edited version XD] me : marmie..? marmie :darling? marmie : DARLING marmie : LOL me : dadie hand injured! me : ): marmie : !!! marmie : WHAT HAPPEN?! me : he yesterdae go play football. then he be goalie ma. then a guy kick e ball me : hit his hand marmie : wtf!!!? WHO HIT THE BALL WAN!? marmie : TELL ME! I GO SKIN THAT PERSON ALIVE! me : O.o... ii dunnoe. marmie : *hart breaks* *cries out loud* me : aaaah!!! dun cry. dun cry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- haiish. dun feel lyk editing le. also not much to edit de. anyways. i think i better go do my hw finich le. buaiiz. story told by; {-babyKOALAA}
//Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:18 PM
five-question personality test
Your ideal mate has a sense of humor and is lively. You always compare yourself with others. You make your wishes too difficult to come true. Success or failure, that's no big deal. You don't care. That's your attitudes towards success. Can a woman be president? You will answer no to this question. You are emotional, sincere and optimistic.
// 7:58 PM
What's your personality love style?
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high. love test: 1. When it comes to love, you take your time and do not fall in love easily. 2. You give 5% to your relationship and expect to receive 95% in return. 3. If there is a problem in your relationship, it's difficult for you to admit it. You need help from third parties. 4. You need lots of reassurance in your relationship. You'd like to see your loved one every day, if possible. 5. You accept your loved one the way they are. You don't expect him or her to change for you. 6. When you love someone, you don't tend to stay in love for a long time. What type of personality do you have? Kind and Gentle.Your kindness is your charm - you are also gentle and sweet. Everybody likes to be around people with your personality. Like a psychologist, people like to talk to you to discuss their problems because you are proper and discrete, as well as confident. You look mature and people respect you. People with this kind of character are few and far between. The Squirrel You are very direct, which might freak them out. Something along the lines of "Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?" might slip from your lips. How to tell someone that you love them? YOU NEED A THIRD PARTY. You have no idea at all about how to tell the one that you have fallen in love with. It's safe to say that asking a friend for help is your best solution to get started. Why do you love someone? You love his/her appearance. You like good-looking people. The secret of the fourth coin It would be very difficult for you to fall in love with someone. But when you love, honesty is your first priority. You are an emotional person. How deep is your love? Depth: 50% You have him in a corner of your heart. Don't lie to yourself; he's your special guy. Take good care of your heart. You still have a long way to go. Always remember that love has two edges. Being apart for a while might be a good chance to proof his love to you. How do you behave when in love? You could be heading for trouble if you don't loosen up just a little bit. Don't be so suspicious of him. He did have a life before he met you. You are too pessimistic about your relationship, and this could, ironically, be the reason that it will eventually end. Cut him some slack, and you'll find he comes back to you of his own accord anyway. Hot or Not? [Part 1] Self Confidence: 67% -> You're confident. [Part 2] Sensory Perceptions: 56% -> Somewhat sensitive to stimulation around you. [Part 3] Body Language: 63% -> Quite good at utilizing on occasions. [Part 4] Conversational Skills: 93% -> A real talent! [Part 5] Empathy For Others: 73% -> Occasionally empathizes with others. "You are a typical girl, like the majority." Are you still thinking about your ex? You have managed to sweep away any feelings you have left for your ex. You are fully recovered and you don't dwell in anguish over the memories of your times together. You are completely and happily in love with your current boyfriend/girlfriend. Although you may occasionally mention the name of past boyfriends/girlfriend, it will simply be because it relates to what you are talking about. The present moment is what you are interested in.
// 7:33 PM
Your Hidden Talent
You have a cheerful personality and you are a naturally kind person. Your hidden talent isn't really that hidden at all: you shine among a crowd. You would make an ideal news announcer, flight attendant or model - any position that would give you an opportunity to deal with plenty of people. A tip for you is to avoid getting too deeply involved in others' personal lives - otherwise you might find yourself constantly being asked for help.
// 7:32 PM
The Hang Glider
Here is the analysis:
You are ambitious. You prefer to work in a busy environment than to stay with a warm family. In the future, despite your marriage, you give the first priority to your work instead of your husband. Well, this doesn't make your marriage ended for sure.
// 7:31 PM
The Bus
Here is the analysis:
You can take care of all members in the group very well. You make sure that everybody gets his or her plates during mealtime. You act like a caring mother all the time.
// 7:28 PM
How you control your husband, who will lead the family and who will be led?You will never expect to control your boyfriend or husband. Your boyfriend and you will take turns to make decision and the decision is often acceptable to both of you. Whatever you want to let him know, you can just tell him straightforwardly. This is a good relationship, a pretty modern one.
// 7:24 PM
Jealousy Level: 40%
You harbor hidden feelings of jealousy. You easily get jealous of other people, but you manage to control your expressions and emotions. For instance, when a close friend tells you that she has met the man of her dreams, you might sincerely say to her "Congratulations!", but what you're really thinking is "You're so lucky! Why can't I be you?"
// 7:22 PM
A present for your boyfriend
Here is the analysis:You like equality. When you choose a present you first consider what his preference. You are an attractive woman who cares much about your appearance. You always want to look good in public, so you dress very well. These don't match your boyfriend's style sometimes.
// 7:22 PM
Are You Nosy?
Nosy Level: 60%You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.
// 7:01 PM
What does being a friend really mean to you?
You value your friendships: 55%
You love your friends very much - so much so that it's actually quite a worry. You may not be able to cope very well when you do lose somebody's friendship. You are a very sensitive and fragile person, and are therefore likely to get upset easily. You care for your friends and are willing to do anything that they ask you to do. Sometimes this can make your friends think that you are a bit of a nuisance. Nevertheless, people do really love you because your highest priority is your friends.
//Friday, July 28, 2006 8:52 PM
//Sunday, July 23, 2006 7:50 PM
// 7:46 PM