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Hello stranger~ :D Im just kidding. (shakes hand) nice to meet you. (: Remember that every 9th of June is my day!~ | FSMB | 1R4 `07 | 2I4 `08 | (Re)TUG. ♥ | -Rainbow Gang- Tagboard /
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(Re)TUG ♥: Kelila. Bessy. Mandy. -Rainbow Gang- Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet twoIfour: classblog. Felicia MayFan Jasmine Gek Hooi Brendan wanyi. Fuhuanites: ChingYee [: Simin. YiFan :D Mae :D Si Yuan Archives /
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stop whaling~ somewhere over the rainbow SENTOSA~ We tried to make an MV today, but failedddddd. :/ ... colours SUPERPOWERS! The cow jumped over the moon ! some random photos from the past i didn't upload. complicated family tree Wednesday:Mood= mostly angry. in the morning and r... Credits /
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//Saturday, December 29, 2007 11:45 AM
YAYYYYYY, I got my new phone already. :D changed my number too.
I got k810i, luckily didn't get the W910i. XD
// 11:31 AM
book heaven?
^0^~ wheee. XD
K, I met Kelila at JE and we trained to Orchard mrt station and walked to Takashimaya. We walked one round on the same level to find.. I don't know what. In the end we came back to the same place we came from, so we just took the escalator up to Kinokuniya, aka book heaven as said by Kelila. LOL. She saw like more that 10 books she wanted to buy. X.X *speechless* She only bought one book, because we didn't bring much. Both of us add up our money only 10 bucks. T.T Im like broke lah. Zzz. So anyway, we bought the book and went to this cone-shaped.. building?, 'cuz there was Borders bookstore inside, but there was no chinese section. So we went back to the mrt station and found a Popular there, and yes, Kelila chiong in. -.- but too bad, no chinese section too. On the way out, we saw this small tv playing the "the wheels on the bus go round and round" song. T.T and after that, Kelila kept singing the song. stupid bus, *take out all the wheels and throw them away* ^-^V K, then we trained back to JE and we went into the Popular and Kelila saw like 2 or 3 books she wanted, so that means all together like 12+++ books. O_O
//Tuesday, December 25, 2007 10:19 AM
merry chirstmas everyone. :D
I went to Orchard there with my family. Then we also went to the Kinokuniya at Takashimaya. Its chao big. XD It was so big, that I kinda had difficulty finding my way out. X.X and the chinese section is super uber big too! plus, I already saw something I want. ;D! Anyway, Im going there with Kelila some day this week. :D hope we don't get lost? :/ Going to meet Kelila and Mandy at the library later, and then after that we going bugis again. ^-^
//Monday, December 24, 2007 9:05 PM
Homework session and Shopping trip.
I was suppose to meet Mandy at the library, but I was a little late, cuz kelila woke up late, then I was waiting for her to wake up to go get the maths homework. So anyway, I was on the way to the busstop outside my house, and I thought I was going to wait for a long time for 334 and I was like, 334 faster come leh~~.
Then I was reaching the busstop, just nice the 334 came. XD so I quickly bused to Kelila's house, and again when I was reaching the busstop, the 334 just reached. Didn't have to wait for the buses. So lucky lah. :D Once I got down the bus, I quickly chionged to the library and found mandy, desperately looking for a switch to charge her laptop. LOL. We went around the third level, and finally found one. :D then we settled down and I was craving for my wang wang drink again, and mandy wanted to eat, but we managed to ren until finishing our maths homework. [: So after finishing, we went to kopitiam to eat, and on the way back to the library, I bought my wang wang drink. YAYYYY. ♥ Then we went to level 4 and found a place, but the library was already closing in half an hour, cuz it's xmas eve. T.T Mandy managed to do some of her book review. We then went to popular to look at the new notebooks and I bought 甜酸. :D Then we went to Bugis. So many people lah. T.T Anyway, we went around walk, and Mandy bought her watch, and I bought my school bag. :D
//Sunday, December 23, 2007 8:42 PM
study session w bessy & mandy
K, Bessy, Mandy and I went to the library to just.. hang out. It was actually suppose to be a (Re)tug outing, but Kelila couldn't make it. ): so anway, we just stay in the library whole day to chit chat, use tugtug, smuggle some stuff into the library and also stalk santa.
yesh, Mandy and I went to stalk some lao ah gong, names santa claus. Haha. cuz we went to eat dinner at the kopitiam, then when we finished, we saw this person in a santa costume, then we were mostly stalking him and laughing crazily. LOL.
//Friday, December 21, 2007 12:43 PM
I met Kelila at JE mrt station yesterday, was late cuz I missed the train. X.X but anyway, we trained to CCK, and went to Lot 1, just walked around. We then went to the popular, but got no chinese section. Zzz. So we trained to Woodlands, on the way there, there's this stop called Marsiling right?
So I was telling Kelila, whoever alights or board at this stop is a Marsling, but for adults, you call them Martians. Haha, cuz Marsiling like Marsling mah, then like youngling and duckling, all got the 'ling' behind. So Marsling is a young Martian. :D And at that stop, just nice got one little girl, who was hugging her teddy bear board, so I told Kelila that she's a Marsling and the Teddy Bear is a Marsling in disguise. LOL. Then I told her that if she alights here, then she will be a Marsling, Im Martian. Then she say that she's going to catch up soon, as in the height. But still haven't right? so considered marsling. Haha XD. But I don't want to be a Martian. I want to be an Earthtian. LOL. XD So anyway, we reached Woodlands and went to Causeway Point's popular, no nice books. ZZZ! So we trained to AMK, and went to AMK hub, also no nice books. So we walked to some I-don't-know-what's-the-name shopping centre, still no nice books. X.X Hai, so we trained to Toa Payoh. But while waiting for the train, Kelila go and 'shit', when the train come, everyone was already at the door squeezing in, and when our turn to go in, no space. T.T Kelila is full of shit, make us miss the train. LOL. So we went back to out shitting position, and then the next train came. Luckily this time got space for us to go in. LOL. Before I went in, I saw this person standing at the door there, then her hair like those messy messy kind lah. Then I look at her, O_O celeste chen. She looks nicer in her photos, cuz her hair in real life very.. like roughrough kind, I don't like. :/ Anyway, Kelila found a book she wanted at the Toa Payoh popular. XD Then we went to the Délifrance at the Interchange. Kelila bought an chocolate eclair, and I bought a mini chocolate eclair. [: and we bused to JP. We went to buy sushi! at Ichiban :D, and then we went to the popular, no nice books. And so we trained to JE, and went to the popular there, nothing nice. So we walked to IMM, went to the chinese section, didn't see anything nice. Then we went to the english section. I was looking at the english books while Kelila was looking at the Magazines. And she found Wang Zi ♥ in the Play Magazine. Then I bought 3 different issues of the Play magazine, yesh, Im crazy. {: At first, Kelila and I wanted to walk home from IMM, but then we sat down at the busstop first to rest, and in the end, we bused home. Haha. So at the end of the day, both of us were happy girls. :D such a happy ending~~ LOL.
//Wednesday, December 19, 2007 1:44 PM
在一个非常宁静而美丽的小城, 有一对非常恩爱的恋人,他们每天晚上都一起去看星星。 每个见过他们的人都向他们投来羡慕的目光。 可是有一天,在一场车祸中,女孩不幸受了重伤,她静静地躺在医院的病床上,几天几夜都没有醒过来。白天,男孩就守在床前不停地呼唤毫无知觉的恋人; 晚上,他就跑到小城的教堂里向上帝祷告,他已经哭干了眼泪。 一个月过去了,女孩仍然昏睡着,而男孩早已憔悴不堪了,但他仍苦苦地支撑着。终于有一天,上帝被这个痴情的男孩感动了。于是他决定给这个执着的男孩一个例外。 上帝问他:“你愿意用自己的生命作为交换吗?” 男孩毫不犹豫地回答:“我愿意!” 上帝说:“那好吧,我可以让你的恋人很快醒过来,但你要答应化作三年的蜻蜓,你愿意吗?” 男孩听了,还是坚定地回答道:“我愿意!” 天亮了,男孩已经变成了一只漂亮的蜻蜓,他告别了上帝便匆匆地飞到了医院。女孩真的醒了,而且她还在跟身旁的一位医生交谈着什么,可惜他听不到。 几天后,女孩便康复出院了,但是她并不快乐。 她四处打听着男孩的下落,但没有人知道男孩究竟去了哪里。女孩整天不停地寻找着,然而早已化身成蜻蜓的男孩却无时无刻不围绕在她身边, 只是他不会呼喊,不会拥抱,他只能默默地承受着她的视而不见。 夏天过去了,秋天的凉风吹落了树叶,蜻蜓不得不离开这里。于是他最后一次飞落在女孩的肩上。他想用自己的翅膀抚摸她的脸,用细小的嘴来亲吻她的额头,然而他弱小的身体还是不足以被她发现。 转眼间,春天来了,蜻蜓迫不及待地飞回来寻找自己的恋人。 然而,她那熟悉的身影旁站着一个高大而英俊的男人, 那一刹那,蜻蜓几乎快从半空中坠落下来。人们讲起车祸后女孩病得多么的严重,描述着那名男医生有多么的善良、可爱,还描述着他们的爱情有多么的理所当然,当然也描述了女孩已经快乐如从前。 蜻蜓伤心极了,在接下来的几天中,他常常会看到那个男人带着自己的恋人在海边看星星, 而他自己除了偶尔能停落在她的肩上以外,什么也做不了。 这一年的夏天特别长,蜻蜓每天痛苦地低飞着,他已经没有勇气接近自己昔日的恋人。 她和那男人之间的喃喃细语,他和她快乐的笑声,都令他窒息。 第三年的夏天,蜻蜓已不再常常去看望自己的恋人了。她的肩被男医生轻拥着,脸被男医生轻轻地吻着,根本没有时间去留意一只伤心的蜻蜓,更没有心情去怀念过去。 上帝约定的三年期限很快就要到了。就在最后一天,蜻蜓昔日的恋人跟那个男医生举行了婚礼。 蜻蜓悄悄地飞进教堂,落在上帝的肩膀上, 他听到下面的恋人对上帝发誓说:我愿意! 他看着那个男医生把戒指戴到昔日恋人的手上, 然后看着他们甜蜜地亲吻着。蜻蜓流下了伤心的泪水。 上帝叹息着:“你后悔了吗?”蜻蜓擦干了眼泪:“没有!” 上帝又带着一丝愉悦说:“那么,明天你就可以变回你自己了。” 蜻蜓摇了摇头:“就让我做一辈子蜻蜓吧 ……” 每天晚上的星星都特别的亮,但是只有蜻蜓自己看星星了 …… 有些缘分是注定要失去的,有些缘分是永远不会有好结果的。爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱他。 如果你收到了这封信,是因为有人在默默祝福你,也因为你爱你身边的一些人。你的肩膀上有蜻蜓吗? -- 很悲哀的是,在现实生活中,由于种种原因真心相爱的人并不一定能在一起;你最爱的,往往没有选择你;而最爱你的,往往不是你最爱的。就是说爱你的人往往为你付出一切,痴心不悔;可是你却偏偏为你爱的人甘心一生悲伤,流泪狂乱心碎。 只是在最适合的时间出现的那个人,才会真的和你永远在一起。那 …… 茫茫人海中,我会遇见了谁?谁又遇见了我呢? ………… I found this on the internet, I can't find who wrote it. :/
//Tuesday, December 18, 2007 11:01 PM
Fuhua sec? Bendemeer sec?
My mom said she confirmed with Bendemeer sec's principal that I can go to Bendemeer sec liao. :/
She said I can choose whether I want to remain in Fuhua or go to Bendemeer lah. Then she also said 'Cuz after all, Bendemeer is like considered a lousy school, the teachers there might all be like very heck care kind, but its still up to me to study hard if I decide to go there. Then I was thinking: "If I remain in Fuhua, I will have to leave the house very early and come back very late, then its like very tiring lah. That's the disadvantage. Advantage is of course, I've been there like one year liao, then got alot of friends liao, then yea. :/ buttttt, if I go to Bendemeer, I don't have to go out that early and reach home that late, cuz the school is like only next to the new house. ._. Disadvantage is, everything is new, everyone are strangers. and most importantly, I have to leave all my friends in Fuhua, and maybe even in the Jurong Area. Cuz like so far, relationship might get further too. ): .. what if I become ahlian?! :O argh, how? T.T
//Monday, December 17, 2007 11:15 PM
give me a smile. [:
// 9:54 PM
Human Pets is under maintenance againnnn, for like the thrird time liao leh. First time was a few hours+ some more. T.T siannnn. ):
Oh yah, Today is my little brother's 8th birthday. [: K, Im super super bored. T.T OH HOORAY. HP is back. :B okieokie, buhhh byeeee~
// 12:38 PM
K, I don't think I will be uploading the photos. I really cannot be bothered to resize them lah. :X
Anyway, I actually wanted to go to the bookfest with Kelila and Winnie today, but decided not to, cuz I wanted to sleep in and I also have tennis lessons later in the afternoon, so don't feel like going. :/
//Sunday, December 16, 2007 3:07 PM
okie, I think I have alot of photos to upload? see first, if Ilazy then I dont want upload liao. :X
//Wednesday, December 12, 2007 8:34 PM
Haven't been updating much, cuz I've got nothing to blog aboutttttt. T.T Im like spending most of my time at home rotting in the corner lah. :/
Anywaysssss, Kelila suddenly called me today and asked if I could go to JE's popular and bring $20 along, cuz she got no money to buy her books. -.- lol. So I went lah. See, such a niceeeee friend, right? ^-^ okok, Haha. But anyway, I before that already wanted to go to her house, to borrow some chinese books, and to return her the three books that have been rotting in my house. :/ So, after she bought her books, we went to her house and I borrowed three books from The Kelila's 'Library'. :D Im going to ask her to name her library next time. Haha. Then after that, I went back early, cuz I haven't packed. X.X yeshhhh, Im going to Thailand, Chiang Mai tomorrow. :D It was last minuite. :/
//Friday, December 07, 2007 6:23 PM
Cycling at ECP {:
I woke up late, so Kelila came over to find me. :/ We trained to JE and Kelila went to buy some books, and then we bused to Clementi and then to Orchard. From there, we cabbed to ECP. [:
We rented bikes and cycled until very far until our butts hurt like siao. ): We then decided to go back. and we went to the beach. :D At around 2.30, we went to return the bikes and went to Burger King to eat. [: After that, we went to find the busstop, cuz I got no more money to take taxi. ): We walk here, walk there and finally found the busstop. :/ We waited like more than half an hour, but there was still no bus and there was no one else who was waiting for the bus, so I asked Kelila if she was sure the bus was coming anot. In the end, we decided to cab to Bugis. We found a Taxi and the uncle was damn nice! We asked him how much it was from there to Bugis cuz Kelila only had 8 bucks left. And he said: "Nevermind one lah, come in come in." He said he also got a daughter, so he also knows how hard it is or something like that. When we reached Bugis, the fare was $6.50, and he said: "just pay whatever you lah." and Kelila gave him $7, but he returned her $2 and only took $5. :D Such a kind person. Haha. {: We then trained from Bugis to Chinese Garden and I had to rush a little, cuz I had Tennis lessons at 5. That's all. :) wait, let me say something: 王子很可爱!Haha. XD
//Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:16 PM
请你一定要开心。 当你孤单时想起我,那是我最大的幸福。 -- 爱我的人为我痴心不悔 我却为我爱的人甘心一生伤悲 在乎的人始终不对 谁对谁不必虚伪 爱我的人为我付出一切 我却为我爱的人流泪狂乱心碎 爱与被爱同样受罪 为什么不懂拒绝痴情的包围 Im bored. ):
//Wednesday, December 05, 2007 12:30 PM
day at the arcade
Mandy and I went to JEC and called Michelle about the hiphop lessons at Music Garage. For this month, there's only saturday, and Mandy can't make it. ):
Anyway, after calling, we went to the arcade to play. We got an arcade card. We played the basketball and some other thing that is similar to o2jam and Mandy played one round of racing. We met Yian there too, cuz she was coming here, then I lent her my umbrella. After awhile, she came back to return it, and we accompanied her to JE interchange. She went off to Lot 1 and we went to Aries. After that, we waited for bus 98. There were uber loads of people there. Alot of people waiting for 334 and 98. That's all. [:
//Tuesday, December 04, 2007 10:42 PM
Trip to the Airport. [:
I went to meet Mandy at Clementi MRT station after her badminton practise which ended at 1. Kelila's plane was arriving at two, so that means we chionged! I called Mandy when the train was approaching Clementi MRT station.
Mandy: What colour are the chairs in your carriage? Me: Green. (looking around) Mandy: er.. You near the head or the tail of the train? Me: UHHH... (looks around) I don't know leh.. oh wait, from my carriage can see the lift and escalators one. Mandy: Oh okay. Mandy: (Looks around for Mag) Where you ah?! My carriage, the chairs also green colour one leh.. I can't see you! O_O Me: Uh.. I ALSO CAN'T SEE YOU TOO! Aaaahh. Mandy: Omg I can't see you leh.. nvm, I hang up first k, then I go find you. You stay there okay. Me: Orh. Byebye. (hangs up) (put phone into sockie) Mandy: Byebye. Then I heard someone behind me said Byebye too, then i just curious, turn around.. O_O It was Mandy. Then I just stared at her. Then she finally looked up, the eyes like this O.O then we started laughing crazily. HAHAHAHAH. XD I was standing next to the train door but not facing the door, and Mandy said she came from the same door. o.o Andddd, we both didn't hear each other talking on the phone, except when I hung up then I heard Mandy said 'Byebye'. LOOOOOL. We laughed for quite long. LMAO. XD We reached Changi Airport at around 2.20pm, but luckily kelila haven't come out. We found our way to belt 22 with the help of Chris Lim, and we waited for her to come out. Chris Lim said she going to buy wine and still haven't collected their laguage, so Mandy and I went to the nearby Burger King to grab something to eat first, cuz Mandy was having gastrics. After awhile, Kelila and her family finally came out. :D Kelila couldn't go out with us cuz she didn't bring her ez-link card, so she went home with her family, while we went to find some place to eat. AND THEN, -.- Mandy go and sabo me and made me go to her council BBQ. -.-! and Im like not even from Nanhua lah. Anyway, both of us still had some time to kill before the BBQ, so we went to East Mall. It was very big, but there's nothing nice inside. D: We decided to go to the BBQ earlier, so we trained to Pasir Ris. We then met Mandy's seniors near Costa Sands Shopping Mall and accompanied them to NTUC to buy some stuff, and followed them to the chalet after that. Mandy and I went to the upstairs of the chalet to wake up Bessy. [: Then both of us went to the seashore to play. I found this black smooth rock, and it was uber cute and nice. Mandy said she wanted one too. So we walk from one end of the beach to the other to help her find another one. But, mine wass much smoother and cuter lah, it's triangularish, while Mandy's was just ovalish. :D All the photos were taken by Mandy. [: We found porno froggie at the beach too. hahaha. That's the rock I found. cute bah. XD This was the lights I saw at Genting and it turned out to be in Mandy's hotel there. :/
// 10:25 PM
WHEEEEE~~ IM SO HAPPPPPPPPY. XD The days without her is like suddenly so.. so.. but anyway, the main point is: SHE IS FINALY BACK. HEEE. [: wang zi is so shuaiiiiii. XD!
//Monday, December 03, 2007 6:52 PM
FHSS band concert
Okie, Im here to updateeeee. :D
Trained to Singapore Poly to watch the FHSS band concert with Yian, Le-yi and Mandy, yesterday. [: and then we met Le-Yi's boyfriend and Kai Wen there. The Concert was great, except for the crazy psycho shouting stuff in the background and the distracting spotlights at the end of the concert. :/ After the concert, Kai Wen went off first, and we trained to JEC to have out dinner. :) Mandy, Yi An and I had the baked chicken cheese with rice. And this morning Mandy and I got diarrhoea, lol. We then had dessert, BANANA SPLITTTTT. :D *yummmmm* It was delicioussssss. Yi an and I were like snatching over the banana. HAHAH. We also went to the Arcade and spend alot of money playing the Basket ball thingo. We also played the Para Para dance thing, racing cars and also the drums. It was hilarious and fun, Le-Yi was watching and laughing at us. And I really cannot drive. :/ keep banging into walls and driving on grass. loool. :X We then lost track of time and played until 10. :XXXX On the bus, we were thinking up of stories to tell our parents so we won't get scolded. Mandy and I didnt get scolded, Yi An's mother was already asleep when she got home. lol. |